This is one of the first logo's
I did back in 1993.
The company is still
in business today.

I have had the pleasure to do all of the graphics for Marietta High School's tennis team for several years. This is some of the work that I have done for the team free of charge.

I was on a billiard team. We called our selves the Cue Tips. This was the teams logo.

Now this was a logo I did for
an alternative rock band.

This quad folded brochure was built for a company that produced fuel tanks for mostly the military. The company is located in an old Goodyear tire plant in Rockmart Georgia. Goodyear at that time still parked there blimp in the hanger there. We also made a brochure for the French Air Show that year for Meggitt as well.

Just recently built this logo for a new company. This company gives advice to families on the best way to take care of their elderly.
GeoNeighboring was a mass mailing company. I built this logo in the mid 90's.